Our Second Project

Dr Juliet Gray

Dr Juliet Gray

The Trust is endeavoring to raise awareness of cancer detection.

The first event of this initiative took place on 20 September 2013, at Jersey General Hospital, when The Antoine Trust sponsored a lecture entitled “An Overview of Childhood Cancers – The Challenges of Spotting the Needles amongst the Haystack” which was delivered to the Jersey medical profession by Dr Juliet Gray., who is an honorary Consultant in Paediatric Oncology at Southampton University NHS Trust and a Senior Lecturer in Paediatric Oncology at the University of Southampton.

Dr Gray gave a very informative presentation on the difficulties of detecting cancers and the tell tale signs to look out for, as well as the importance of early diagnosis to increase survival rates.

The second event, within our cancer education projects has been to link with Headsmart, a UK charity which campaigns for early brain tumour detection. The Antoine Trust is now acting as Headsmart’s Jersey Champion.

Headsmart has designed user friendly information and guidelines on brain tumour detection, which are available on their website, and which The Antoine Trust will be distributing in hard format to Jersey Medical Practices.
